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The Top 5 Body-Weight Exercises

The Top 5 Body-Weight Exercises

The importance of body-weight training cannot be emphasized enough. The benefits of these exercises are numerous. It improves both relative and reactive strength and can increase movement. Consistency plays a vital role in toning up a body. You take one day off and...
What Your Body Shape Tells You

What Your Body Shape Tells You

People are different in every way, however, our bodies are similar. Each persons body has certain characteristics that places them into one of three different groups. We refer to these groups or categories as mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph, each different with...
How Birth Control Pills Affect Weight

How Birth Control Pills Affect Weight

Apparently, there has never been enough convincing evidence to show that birth control pills have an effect on weight. Recently conducted research has found little proof of weight gain among users of progestin-only pills. Likewise, a similar investigation from 2008...
Best Workouts for Those Sore Body Days

Best Workouts for Those Sore Body Days

When you are feeling really sore after a workout, it is probably best to just give your body a day of rest and recuperation. But on those days when you are sore but you can still handle a workout, there are certain exercises that are best. Sore Body Workout Ideas...
Is There a Best Time to Workout During the Day?

Is There a Best Time to Workout During the Day?

Have you ever wondered if there is a best time to exercise during the day, and if you are taking advantage of it with your current workout schedule? Check out the information below to learn more about the effects of working out at different times of the day. Afternoon...
Best Online Diets

Best Online Diets

The best online diet truly depends upon what you are looking for in a diet and what kind of support you need to reach your goals. Different online diets offer different approaches to weight loss including diet plans, weight loss programs, meals, forums, online...
The Best Kind of Exercise for Weight Loss

The Best Kind of Exercise for Weight Loss

A lot of people wonder what the best kind of exercise for weight loss really is, but the answer is surprisingly simple: it’s whatever exercise you enjoy doing that will keep you motivated to keep going. After all, most people stop working out when they get hurt or...