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Leptin Resistance Prevents Weight Loss

Leptin Resistance Prevents Weight Loss

Research recently performed on leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells and has some control over hunger, has demonstrated that it may be a significant factor in terms of weight loss, body weight regulation, and appetite. For this reason, leptin has become a target of...
Phentramin-d Weight Loss Program

Phentramin-d Weight Loss Program

While many non-prescription diet pills offer you promises and nothing else, Phentramin-d will actually help you drop those excess pounds. With strong ingredients, just like the prescription pills, you can begin to see your body shrink before your eyes, without the...
How Regular Exercise Increases Energy Levels

How Regular Exercise Increases Energy Levels

When you’re feeling tired, the last thing you may want to do is exercise. After all, you’re just going to expend energy you don’t have, right? Actually, the body is designed for movement and to be more active than sedentary. In order to boost your energy levels, you...
Why Phentramin-D Is So Effective

Why Phentramin-D Is So Effective

You may have already heard of Phentramin-d through the Internet or through friends. This diet pill has been used by thousands of people to support their weight loss goals. Not only is this a diet pill that allows you to more easily lose weight, but it supports you in...
Phentramin-d Diet Pills: Short Term and Long Term Use

Phentramin-d Diet Pills: Short Term and Long Term Use

Many people don’t realize that diet pills aren’t supposed to be taken forever. After all, you can’t keep losing weight for the rest of your life as it’s not healthy and you need to be within a normal weight range in order to be healthy and energetic. With prescription...
How to Indulge without Ruining Your Diet

How to Indulge without Ruining Your Diet

Before we talk about “cheating” either ourselves or our diet, let’s look at what “diet” really consists of. The word “diet” scares most people. It’s a word that denotes going without, starving and eating buckets of rabbit food…uck! In reality, diet merely describes...
Metabolic Typing for Easier Weight Loss

Metabolic Typing for Easier Weight Loss

You may have never heard of metabolic typing, but you may suspect that it has something to do with your metabolism. You would be correct in your thinking. What does this have to do with you if you are trying to lose weight? It may be the answer you have been looking...
The Basics of Food Combining

The Basics of Food Combining

Some believe, and rightfully so, that some of the problems we have with dieting and overall digestive health are a direct result of eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, and without thought to what we are eating. That makes sense, as the digestive system can...
Back to School Weight Loss Tips

Back to School Weight Loss Tips

With the approach of the New Year it seems like the perfect time to help our children settle themselves into a healthy routine for keeping their body weight within the right range and preventing future weight gain. One of the best ways to help children avoid weight...
Common Diet Pill Pitfalls

Common Diet Pill Pitfalls

Though there are a lot of very helpful diet pills out there, they have not all been created equal and not all of them are safe to use, effective, or right for you. In fact, some diet pills can be downright dangerous, and others can do more harm than good to your...