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When you’re feeling tired, the last thing you may want to do is exercise. After all, you’re just going to expend energy you don’t have, right? Actually, the body is designed for movement and to be more active than sedentary. In order to boost your energy levels, you need to spend time exercising. With regular exercise, you will have more energy than you did before, plus you will enjoy a slimmer body and a healthier life.

Exercise Increases Energy

Regular exercise helps to increase your energy levels by oxygenating your blood, improving metabolism and giving you more physical strength.

More Oxygen to Your Body
Each time you move, your body realizes it needs to fuel itself. When your heart beats, it is moving blood from the heart and lungs to the rest of the body and in that blood is oxygen. This oxygen allows your muscles to move, your brain to think, etc. When this oxygen transport is slowed, as it is when you aren’t moving around a lot, you will feel tired, fuzzy headed, and unmotivated to do anything. But when your body is oxygenated, it will feel vibrant and alive. When you exercise regularly, your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood and transporting energy. This means your heart doesn’t have to work as hard or expend as much energy either.
Better Food Metabolism
The more regularly you exercise, the better your body functions, not just in the bloodstream. When you move, your body has to ensure there is fuel to transport, so your digestive system has to work more efficiently. As a result, your metabolism has to speed up, which gives you energy. The more you exercise, the more quickly your metabolism will work. When you are able to access energy from food easily, you can maintain a steady level of energy during the day, so long as you also eat regularly and eat balanced meals. If you remain sedentary, you will find that your digestion slows, taking up more energy to break down the foods. With daily exercise, your body will process food as you eat it, allowing extra energy to be used for your other daily activities.
Increased Strength = Increased Energy
The stronger your body is, the more efficient it will be as you move during the day. When you exercise, you will strengthen your muscles, which allows you to do more with less energy. That extra energy will then be able to be used in other ways. Think of it this way, when you workout, it will take less energy to move from one point to another. When you get to your final destination, you will be able to move around even more, instead of being tired. Any sort of exercise will help to improve your muscle strength, but weight training is especially effective as it targets the muscles with heavier weights, allowing the muscles to build themselves up.
Regular exercise helps you by improving the oxygen levels in your blood, helping your digestion, and increasing your strength. Together, these effects will allow you to feel more energy and more vitality every day.