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What to Know Before Taking Phentermine

What to Know Before Taking Phentermine

What is phentermine? Phentermine is a medication for significantly overweight (obese) people, to help change their eating habits. Phentermine is used in correlation with behavior changing programs or therapy, a healthy diet, and exercise program. Generally recommended...
The Basics of Food Combining

The Basics of Food Combining

Some believe, and rightfully so, that some of the problems we have with dieting and overall digestive health are a direct result of eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, and without thought to what we are eating. That makes sense, as the digestive system can...
How to Use Ayurveda for Weight Loss

How to Use Ayurveda for Weight Loss

When we’re trying to lose body fat, it can be difficult to know what method to choose. After all, we’re always hearing about the latest thing in fat burning, but which one is the right one? Many people are choosing to look to Ayurveda for weight loss in order to...
Association Between Abdominal Fat and Stroke Risk

Association Between Abdominal Fat and Stroke Risk

Did you know that there is an association between abdominal fat and stroke risk? It’s true! It turns out that where you carry extra pounds on your body may determine some health risks. While all extra weight poses potential health problems, some types of fat in...
Have You Heard of Appetite Control Toothpaste?

Have You Heard of Appetite Control Toothpaste?

Losing weight can be hectic and frustrating if you are unable to achieve the results you expected. Most times, this is due to bad binge-eating habits, whether you are eating late at night or overeating throughout the day. The people who do not suffer from the annoying...
Antidepressants That Aid Weight Loss

Antidepressants That Aid Weight Loss

Antidepressant is the term given to any type of drugs that have been created to prevent or treat depression. However, while their primary purpose is to counteract the effects of mental gloom, they are also known for having notable side effects, which may include,...