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The Top 10 Healthiest Foods for Weight Loss

The Top 10 Healthiest Foods for Weight Loss

If you’re hoping to lose weight and you aren’t getting the results that you’re after, you may need to tweak your daily diet. Check out this list of the healthiest foods for weight loss and use it as a guide to better results. 1. Leafy Greens Eating nutritious leafy...
Weight Loss Study Claims Tequila May Help

Weight Loss Study Claims Tequila May Help

A recent weight loss study has revealed some rather fun an curious findings, suggesting that tequila could potentially play a role in weight loss. While health, nutrition, weight loss and fitness experts will all recommend that you cut down on alcohol if you want to...
3 Ways to Spot Weight Loss Scams

3 Ways to Spot Weight Loss Scams

The weight loss industry is huge, with so many companies vying for your attention in order to increase their profits. This means that there are a lot of illegitimate companies out there that you need to worry about, and you need to really do your research to spot...
Interesting Fava Bean Facts and Recipe Ideas

Interesting Fava Bean Facts and Recipe Ideas

The number of fava bean facts the majority of us know could probably fit on a scrap piece of paper. That said, these little legumes are actually worth knowing a good deal better. In fact, the majority of people who learn about these beans will usually eat them a great...
10 Healthy Snacks to Banish Hunger for Hours

10 Healthy Snacks to Banish Hunger for Hours

Just because you’re feeling hungry doesn’t mean you have to throw your diet off course or eat a ton of calories to feel full. In fact, there are plenty of healthy snacks that are capable of banishing hunger for hours. 1. Edamame Edamame can make a great low-calorie...