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Wouldn’t it be great if there were set rules for dieting that worked for everyone? Mounting calories pose a dilemma that plagues the life of every weight unfortunate person on this planet. How often do we pledge to shed those absurd pounds as a tradition to every New Year’s Eve, only to stuff up on that oh-to-die-for decadent chocolate cake after a week or two of separation? Weight loss, without a compromise on health, is a slow and deliberate process, requiring perseverance, iron will and a few tweaks to your diet.

Here are 5 rules for dieting you should drill yourself in!

Eat More Fiber

Fiber rich, high nutrition foods induce a feeling of fullness and are slow to digest, thus reducing appetite and keeping you from reaching out for unhealthy snacks, an Achilles heel for dieters. Beans, for instance, are rich in fiber while fulfilling your nutritional needs. Whole-wheat or rye bread, Apples, oatmeal or Cereals with low fat dairy, eaten at breakfast are a fast way to losing weight. Snack on veggies, beans, soups and fruits (without juices) as your main course for lunch.

Drink More Water

Another of the important rules for dieting is to consume vegetables with high water content for a lower body mass index, as they make you feel fuller quickly. Vegetables, such as zucchini and cucumber, and fruits, such as watermelon and grapefruit, are loaded with water. Keep the servings small though, because of their sugar content. Drinking water can also curb hunger and stave off carb cravings effectively, as our body construes thirst as hunger at times. So, the next time you have a midnight hunger emergency, make your own healthy snack from cucumber and carrots sticks with a low fat dip on the side.

Consume Salads

Incorporating fresh vegetables in your diet not only helps you lose weight but is an excellent way to detoxify your body as most vegetables are bursting with antioxidants. Try low carb vegetables, such as kale, radishes, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, celery, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and bell peppers, for a calorie restrictive hearty diet without having to put a limit to proportions. Season your salad with a vinaigrette dressing and glean its weight reducing benefits.

Avoid Food with Empty Calories

These are the foods your nutritionist warned you about and are the hardest to stay away from. Foods high in sugar and carbs, but low in nutritional value, such as pizza, junk food, ice creams, potato chips, energy drinks, hot dog, cookies, soda, and the likes are the worst enemy of your body. Replace your hunger cravings with healthier homemade alternatives.

Exercise More

You’d be surprised to discover how a little exercise can go a long way towards gleaning an immaculately toned body! Exercise boosts your metabolism so the food is burned as quickly as you consume it. Working out at the gym or even developing an effective routine at home works wonders. Aspire to take the stairs instead of the elevator, and park as far away as you can, indulge in house chores and walk around the room for 10 minutes at least after every meal! Without doubt, this can prove one of the best rules for dieting, as it enables you to make the most of the effort you are putting in.