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You hear all sorts of theories and tips about what it takes to really lose weight. It can be confusing and even frustrating as you can’t always be sure of where to turn. If you find yourself wondering what the best advice is and what it takes to really lose weight, then you have to know that it’s about taking care of yourself. You need the right mindset, the right attitude, and you need to learn how to truly take care of yourself from the inside out. If you skip out on any one part of this then you are cutting yourself short and that won’t accomplish anything. This means that learning to develop a better relationship with food is really what matters greatly here.

Though you may not necessarily feel that this matters in the long run, think about it for a moment. If you have always feared food or convinced yourself that you can gain weight simply by looking at a certain food, then you are working against yourself. You have to change the way you look at food. You have to change the way that you eat, and you have to stop letting food rule your life. Food should not be the center of your social life, nor should it be the reason that you do things in the first place. There is a place for food but it should be part of a healthy foundation and that’s the only power that you give it.

When you start to realize just how important a healthy relationship with food really is, then you make some really profound connections here. It all starts to come together and make sense and this is about the time that you will lose weight but also get healthier in the process and all of this matters in the big picture.

  • Stop making food the enemy or something to fear: This is by far the most important thing to consider in the long run. You have to stop fearing food or allowing it to have power over you. Food is not the enemy and once you let go of this negative hold that it has on you the better off you will be. You have to learn to work WITH the right foods rather than letting the wrong foods work against you. This is about you controlling the process and the sooner that you realize this, the better off you will be in the long run.
  • Learn to look at food as true fuel and nourishment: If you want to learn how to develop a healthy and positive relationship with food then you have to learn to look at food as true nourishment. Food will give you energy, focus, and help you move about throughout your day. The wrong foods can hold you back and work against you and these are the types that you let go of for good. The right food helps you to get healthier in the right way and it nourishes you from the inside out, which means great long term success.
  • Embrace what the right foods can do FOR you: The poor relationship that you had with food probably had everything to do with eating the wrong foods in the first place. You replace the processed foods, the fatty foods, and the foods out of convenience with the right ones. You can feel good when you are eating lean proteins, whole grains, good fats, and loads of fruits and vegetables. Once you see how powerful these right foods are for you then it’s much easier to develop that healthy relationship with food. Try it and see for yourself!
  • Never let food rule your social life or turn to it for emotional healing: Food can only have power over you if you allow it to, and this is where you draw the line and take back control. You no longer look to food as a way of coping with your emotions, but rather a way of nourishing you in the right way. If you want to develop a healthy relationship with food then you have to take control over your eating and use the right foods to give you lasting health benefits moving forward.