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Top 5 Healthiest Non Dairy Sources of Calcium

Top 5 Healthiest Non Dairy Sources of Calcium

While milk is a great source of a number of vitamins and minerals, there are a large number of great non dairy sources of calcium as well. Yes, milk based products do tend to be the go-to options when we want healthy teeth, bones and hair, but this doesn’t mean...
What the Location of Fat on Your Body Tells You

What the Location of Fat on Your Body Tells You

The location of fat on your body may seem frustrating to you at times, but it could be trying to tell you something. In most cases, the added weight isn’t really anything more than a part of you that you just don’t like very much. However, sometimes fat stored on the...
Unique Ways to Melt Away Body Fat

Unique Ways to Melt Away Body Fat

In order to effectively lose weight and get a slim, fit body, you need to learn how to melt away body fat. This will allow your figure to come through, as well as your muscles that you have developed from working hard at the gym. However, losing body fat isn’t easy,...
Is Your Ticket to Faster Weight Loss Phentramin-D?

Is Your Ticket to Faster Weight Loss Phentramin-D?

If you aren’t new to dieting, you know that faster weight loss isn’t so easy to achieve. The concept of reducing body fat can be straightforward enough, but when you actually begin trying to practice the right habits to slim down and get fit, things can suddenly...
How to Fix Your Metabolism Permanently

How to Fix Your Metabolism Permanently

The metabolism is responsible for providing energy by breaking down fats through a chemical process in the body. If you have a slow metabolism, you will feel lethargic and get tired easily. Thankfully, there are many ways to fix your metabolism. The hormones in your...