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How to Fix Your Metabolism The metabolism is responsible for providing energy by breaking down fats through a chemical process in the body. If you have a slow metabolism, you will feel lethargic and get tired easily. Thankfully, there are many ways to fix your metabolism. The hormones in your body need cholesterol but the right kind of cholesterol. You should eat foods that are rich in good fat along with a low carb diet to optimize your hormones. If your hormones are functioning properly, this will help to fix your metabolism.
You should get healthy fats from fish which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Your diet should be low in sugar. Remove refined carbs from your diet and add more protein in. The best sources of protein are meat and eggs but you can also use supplements if you are not consuming a lot of meat. This will help you to build lean muscle, which will enhance your metabolism. You do not have to cut down on all your calories. What you need is consistency in your diet. You can avoid extra calories, but do not starve yourself.
To stimulate your metabolism, perform cardio exercises. Stay active as much as possible, without overworking yourself. You should perform short bursts of high intensity exercises. This will produce an energy deficit, which is known as the EPOC effect. If you have a dormant metabolism, you can wake it up by doing these exercises and it will be back to burning calories. Weight training is also beneficial to fix your metabolism. These exercises will help you build new muscle tissue, which requires energy, leading to an increased metabolic rate.
You should get sufficient sleep every night because it is during sleep that your body repairs itself. It’s when you burn the most fat, and during this time you build the most lean muscle mass. You can lower your cortisol levels as well, which helps stop fat storage.
Last, but not least, there are many medications available that can also help repair your metabolism. Phentramin-D is one of the best weight loss pills available on the market. It will help you burn fat quickly by reducing your appetite and boosting energy levels.