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Having a treat every now and then is the level of moderation that’s necessary to maintain your health and sanity while you’re taking care of your health, and particularly while you’re dieting. But frequent overindulging is different from treating yourself once in a while to that slice of pizza or that slice of cake.

Why Frequent Overindulging is So Bad For Your Health

Continue reading to learn why overindulging too often could be bad news for your health.

It Can Cause Heartburn and Bloating

When you overindulge by eating too much, you could end up feeling bloated, and that could result in uncomfortable pain in your abdominal area. Stomach pains could become hard to tolerate, and if you’re binge eating a lot of low-fiber foods, you could be adversely impacting your digestion as well. On top of that, frequent overindulging could also lead to the development of heartburn, when stomach acid ends up burning the esophagus. This could result in inflammation, discomfort, and other damage.

It Can Cause You to Gain Too Much Weight

It should come as no surprise that frequent overindulging could also result in unwanted weight gain. If you’ve been trying to lose weight and keep it off, the key to your success will lie in keeping yourself on the right track. Following a diet that’s filled with hearty, whole food ingredients will help you feel satisfied so that you don’t need to overindulge in sugary, salty, and fatty treats.

It Can Cause Changes to Your Hormonal Balance

When you overindulge in unhealthy foods too often, you could end up adversely affecting the balance of the hormones in your body. When you indulge in carbohydrates and sugar, you could cause your insulin levels to go out of balance, along with other hormones. Symptoms like fatigue will likely become more common because your body will get a blood sugar spike but then crash right back down.

You’ll Never Establish Dietary Discipline

Finally, overindulging frequently will ultimately cause you to fail to establish a healthy eating routine. You’ll never be able to develop the discipline that’s necessary to lose excess weight and keep it off.

These are just a few of the common reasons why frequently overindulging in food could be detrimental to your health. If you find it difficult to keep your cravings in check, you should consider taking a product like Phentramin-D, which provides powerful appetite suppression that will help you stay in control over what you eat, as well as how much you eat.