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Weight Loss and Diabetes RiskDid you know that there is a connection between weight loss and diabetes? To really understand this connection, though, you need to know how your weight can impact diabetes, and how diabetes can impact your weight.
To see what we mean, check out the information below.
Note: keep in mind that if you have any questions about weight loss and diabetes, especially if you have been diagnosed with this condition, or if you are at risk of developing it, talking to your doctor is the best thing to do to get personalized guidance and advice.

Weight Loss and Diabetes: The Problem with Carrying Excess Weight

  • According to WebMD, when you are overweight, those extra pounds are putting a strain on your body. It can make even simple, everyday tasks harder to do, but it also increases the risk of a wide range of health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and, yes, diabetes.
  • Here’s an interesting statistic: if you are overweight, and you are able to shed around 7% of your current weight, you may be able to reduce your risk of diabetes by a whopping 60%. And, it is never too late to start, as those who are over 65 years of age may be able to cut their risk by more than 70% if they follow this strategy. So, it is clear that there is a connection between weight loss and diabetes.
  • If you have been diagnosed as prediabetic, or if you are just concerned about how to avoid diabetes, it is wise to lose some weight if you are not already at an appropriate weight. Even if you lose just a small number of pounds, it can have a big, and positive, impact on your risk of diabetes.
  • Overall, by working on slimming down to a weight that is more appropriate for your age and height, you can begin to feel better, and this smart step might also help you reduce your odds of encountering serious health problems down the road.

More Important Info About Weight Loss and Diabetes

Okay, so we know that losing weight can help you reduce your risk of developing diabetes, but what if you already have been diagnosed with this condition? Will losing weight really make a difference at that point? That simple answer is, yes, it can make a difference!
In fact, if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you don’t have to think of it as a disease that you will have forever. Researchers have found that you might be able to drive this disease into remission, and basically cure yourself, if you are able to lose the right amount of weight, and then work on keeping it off for good.
Once again, you might not even need to lose a whole lot of weight in order to get results. Experts discovered that if you are diabetic, and you lose around 10% of your weight within the first five years of having this condition, you might be able to drive it into remission. So, for example, if weigh 190 pounds, losing 19 pounds can have a positive effect on your health. Wow!

Don’t Go to Extremes with Diet and Exercise!

Although there is a connection between weight loss and diabetes, particularly when it comes to losing weight to prevent or eliminate diabetes, there is no reason to go to extremes to shed the excess weight that you have been carrying.
Experts recommend avoiding extreme diets and extreme exercise routines. Instead, focus on eating right and exercising in a healthy and balanced manner that is easy for you to stick with. Over time, you will be able to lose the weight without adversely impacting other areas of your health, and you will be able to reap the benefits of your efforts.
How should you go about shedding weight? Keep the following things in mind:

  • Eat right by avoiding high-fat and high-calorie foods, as well as foods that are high in sugar and sodium. Aim to eat plenty of natural foods that are high in nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Establish an exercise routine that you enjoy. It should also be easy to maintain your routine. Remember that a combination of cardio and strength training is often recommended for the best results when it comes to losing weight and building muscle.
  • If you are thinking about using any weight loss products, stick with top rated weight loss pills, and consult with your doctor for advice if you aren’t sure about which product to take, especially if you are losing weight because you have diabetes or you’re prediabetic.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by establishing better daily habits that support overall wellness. This means doing things like quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol, and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke and chemicals.

Weight Loss and Diabetes: Be Aware That This Disease May Reduce Body Mass

Another important thing to know about weight loss and diabetes is the fact that people sometimes end up losing weight unintentionally when they have diabetes. How is this possible?
Basically, when you don’t have enough insulin, it becomes difficult for your body to get enough sugar from your blood into your cells (your cells would use that sugar for energy). So, your body ends up burning through muscle and fat instead in order to get the energy that it needs. And, when your body ends up burning through muscle and fat, that is when you will likely start to notice that the number on the scale goes down, even though you have not been trying to lose weight.
Keep in mind that this can happen to individuals before they are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Therefore, keeping an eye on your weight, and letting your doctor know about unexplained weight loss, is definitely an important step!

The Connection Is Clear!

As you can see, there is a definite link between weight loss and diabetes. First off, if you are trying to avoid diabetes, or if you are already diabetic and you want to improve your health, losing weight can be helpful. Also, if you are experiencing unexplained weight loss, talk to your doctor to run some tests and determine if you are diabetic. Then, you can take steps to get your health back on track.
With this information, you can regain control, and do things every day to support your health. As always, though, your doctor is the best person to consult if you have questions about your blood sugar, your risk of diabetes, or the connection between weight loss and diabetes.