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So you have finally set the date and the clock is ticking. You want to look fantastic on the special day. Having a guide to wedding day weight loss help is going to be your key to success. There are tips and tricks to help no matter how little or how much time you have until the big day.

If you happen to have two weeks until the big day great. At this time you will be wanting to stick mainly to protein and start getting that cardio in as much as possible. No longer than 1 hour of cardio, and if it is possible you can do 30 minutes of cardio AFTER your 30 minutes of strength training. A compound workout really will be the best route for rapid weight loss. Try to start reducing those super starchy carbs, and reduce sodium. Make sure you are taking your vitamins and minerals each day.

One week prior to the wedding you are going to want to cut out bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, rice, or any other starches. Also, you are going to want to reduce your sodium as much as possible. The last thing you need is bloat the week before. If at all possible stick to lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Don’t forget the vitamins and minerals. Continue an exercise regime and switch out some of the strength training with some vigorous stretching such as yoga.

The big day is here, you will be having some drinks possibly and some sweets surely. It is important to stock up on your healthy fats and not to skip any meals. This is to ensure your day’s consumption will not end up on your butt or thighs, and that you will not be bloated. Eat things like yogurt, cheese, nuts, seeds, and even almond milk. DO NOT SKIP MEALS TODAY OR ANY OTHER DAY LEADING UP TO THE WEDDING. Skipping meals literally only causes you to store fat. To get your day off to its best start, you should try and work some yoga or Pilates into your morning/afternoon.

When the big day is fast approaching you are going to want to look your best. Wedding day weight loss help will get you looking and feeling your best on the big day. Also, taking your vitamins and minerals each day is vital to looking and feeling your best. Exercise is also important for feeling and looking great. When the big day is fast approaching this wedding day weight loss help will get you the results you want.