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Best Appetite Suppressants

Best Appetite Suppressants

Despite good intentions to lose weight, many people struggle, particularly at the beginning, with eating less. All effective diets for weight loss will have you consuming fewer calories than you were before. Although this is critical for losing weight, it can also be...
Health Benefits of Superfruits

Health Benefits of Superfruits

In the world of food and marketing, it has become normal for retailers to promote certain foods as being more special than others. While there are plenty of other fruits which are just as healthy, if not more so, there is a specific group of superfruits which have...
The Basics of Food Combining

The Basics of Food Combining

Some believe, and rightfully so, that some of the problems we have with dieting and overall digestive health are a direct result of eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, and without thought to what we are eating. That makes sense, as the digestive system can...