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Does the FDA Know If Food Is Safe?

Does the FDA Know If Food Is Safe?

When it comes to eating right, can you really be sure that the FDA knows if food is safe? It’s logical to think that this organization, which was established to focus on the health and safety of food, is there for the best interests of consumers. With recent guideline...
Interesting Fava Bean Facts and Recipe Ideas

Interesting Fava Bean Facts and Recipe Ideas

The number of fava bean facts the majority of us know could probably fit on a scrap piece of paper. That said, these little legumes are actually worth knowing a good deal better. In fact, the majority of people who learn about these beans will usually eat them a great...
Avoid These Five Fattening Foods

Avoid These Five Fattening Foods

What if you were told that if you avoided these five worst and most fattening foods, your life would become better? That these foods alone will eventually kill you. These five foods are not only the cause of extra weight, but also the cause of many health issues....
How to Fat-Proof Your Home

How to Fat-Proof Your Home

Ready to fat-proof your home? No matter how many times you decide that, from now on, you will only eat mindfully, you fail when you open the fridge and see a bucket of ice cream. It’s easier to give in to the temptation, but unfortunately no amount of regret or guilt...
5 Fat Burning Yoga Postures

5 Fat Burning Yoga Postures

Fat burning yoga is considered to be a great medium for relaxation. You can learn about different breathing techniques and how to release toxins from your body. Most people do not realize that yoga is also a great way to lose weight. Yoga may not be exhausting, but it...