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Have you ever wondered how your height might affect your ability to lose weight? Does it ever seem as though shorter people have a harder time slimming down? Is it truly harder to lose weight when you’re short? Get the facts below.

Weight Loss and Women Who Are Petite

According to some experts, women who are under 5’4” tall, which is about half of all women, find it harder to lose weight. Even a mere 40 calories per day could have a big impact upon their ability to lose weight. Therefore, it really is harder to lose weight when you’re short. Thankfully, though, there is something calling The Petite Advantage Diet, which has been developed specifically for petite women who are trying to slim down.

It Is All About Calorie Control

If you are petite, you need to focus on consuming 40 fewer calories than taller individuals. While this may not seem like much on a day-to-day basis, it will add up. In fact, if you eat 40 extra calories, you could accumulate an extra 4.2 pounds of body fat in a year. Over the course of 10 years, you could become 42 pounds heavier. This ultimately means that you really have to focus on counting calories and controlling your portions to lose weight when you’re short.

Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Short Women

If you are petite and you wish to lose weight, the right food choices will help achieve your goals. Lower your intake of foods like avocado and olive oil, which are higher in calories. Make breakfast the biggest meal of your day so you will be able to burn off those calories throughout the day, and get an hourglass figure by eating more fruit and small portions of whole wheat and whole grain carbohydrates. Also limit your intake of juice, as it could have 25% more calories than soda and often does not provide very many nutritional benefits as a result of pasteurization.

When it comes to exercise, doing too much cardio, which increases your hunger, could backfire and result in weight gain. So stick with strength training instead, which could also serve to improve your posture while flattening your core. Plus, strength training can double as cardio if you do it right.

By following the tips above and using a product like Phentramin-D, you can bring out the best of your petite figure and feel fantastic.