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Many men don’t realize it, but there are ways to increase testosterone without doing steroids or other unnatural things. You can increase testosterone levels naturally in surprising ways.

The food you eat and the supplements you take can have a significant effect on your testosterone levels without any unwanted side effects.

Ways to increase testosterone levels naturally include:

Oats or Avena Sativa contain large amounts of avenacosides, the active component that boosts testosterone. It works by releasing testosterone, increasing your levels of free testosterone.

Forskolin can be found in many natural testosterone boosters, and actually helps to raise testosterone levels on its own. Forskolin causes a significant upregulation of dopamine and testosterone.

Fenugreek is a testosterone boosting supplement, derived from an herb found in Western Asia and Southern Europe. In addition to raising testosterone levels fenugreek increases insulin release, which helps increase muscle mass after lifting.

Tongkat Ali is a wonderful way to increase testosterone levels. Men with low testosterone levels who begin taking Tongkat Ali report feeling excited about hitting the gym. Tongkat Ali has been able to raise the testosterone of men who have been diagnosed with clinically low testosterone in as little as one month.

Vitamin D, for men, enables optimal testosterone levels for optimal leanness. Studies have shown that men with a higher vitamin D status had higher free testosterone than those who are deficient in vitamin D.

Tribulus terrestris is another well studied testosterone booster which has been proven effective alone or in conjunction with other testosterone boosters. Tribulus terrestris is derived from an herb that grows in Asia and North America, and has been used in many supplements for centuries.

Cruciferous Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, collards, watercress, kale, mustard greens, and bok choy may all help to boost testosterone levels. This is due to the phytonutrients they contain such as indoles, which suppress estrogen.

Reducing foods that boost estrogen such as soybeans and other legumes, bran, beans, some fruits and vegetables, peas, pinto and lima beans will help you to increase testosterone levels as well. Having high estrogen can decrease the benefits of testosterone.

Getting enough zinc in the body enables a more robust release of testosterone as well as related anabolic hormones. Having low zinc leads to an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone.

Magnesium will help you increase testosterone because magnesium improves the body’s antioxidant capacity. Magnesium also decreases inflammation which allows for a bigger release of testosterone.

Get plenty of sleep is critical for HGH production, other growth and muscle building hormone production, as well as increasing testosterone. Being rested will not only give you more energy and higher hormone levels, but will also increase your testosterone levels giving you better muscle building results.