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Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets help you to control portion sizes and encourage a healthier diet.
When it comes to losing weight, one of the most important steps that you need to take is controlling your portions. By reducing the amount of food on your plate, you can dramatically decrease the number of calories and the amount of fat that you ingest at every meal, and that can make a big difference. If you have been struggling to eat fewer calories every day, maybe all that you need to do is reduce your portion sizes to achieve your goals.
Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with portion control. That’s why new products hit the market all the time to help you out. Check out the Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets review below to learn about one such product.

Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets Review

If you have ever gone through a drive through and asked to be Super Sized or whatever equivalent that particular restaurant offers, you may not be as savvy about portion control as you need to be. People eat what is in front of them, and if the portions are too big, they take in too many calories and weight adds up or cannot be lost.
The Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets aim to take this problem out of the dieting equation so you and your family can eat sensible and healthy meals in the right portion size. Best of all, these do not have to be bland portions.

How to Use the Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets

While this product is not really recommended for a particular diet, it can be used with any eating plan you want to use to lose weight or build a more healthy eating style. Each sheet has a layout of what one portion of meat should be, and that helps you make sure you are eating exactly what you should be and there are no surprise calories. If your meat fits in the outline, you are good to go.
Not only do you get the right portion, you get spice marinades to give your food a great flavor each and every time. Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets come in a variety of flavors including:

  • Dijon Honey Mustard
  • Riviera Tomato & Basil
  • Garlic Citrus Teriyaki

All you have to do is lay out your meat, add the seasoning, and allow the serving to sit for about thirty minutes, or longer if you wish. The sheets are also great in that they go right into your oven (up to 400 degrees) or can be easily removed for any other type of cooking method you prefer. Clean up is simple and the guesswork is gone.
Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets are also great for vegetables and starches as well. For vegetables, you simply double the serving size shown for one serving of meat and use the same size as the meat for a starch, such as potatoes. You can use the flavors for these as well if you wish. These sheets can then provide the right servings for every portion of a balanced meal each and every single time. Not only that, but the clean up simple. You simply throw the sheet away.

What Else Comes with This Purchase?

Also included with the Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets are all types of goodies.

  • The box comes with illustrations to help you out, along with some mouth-watering recipes that you can try with your sheets.
  • You will also get tips for using the sheets and a link to a website that has a bigger variety of recipes and many other tips on a healthier diet and weight loss plan.

Other Ways to Control Portions with This Product

In addition to using Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets, you can also take additional steps towards controlling your portions for weight loss or weight maintenance. According to the Huffington Post, you can do things like the following:

  • Fill your plate with veggies, and eat those first. They will fill you up with nutrients and fiber, and they can help reduce your appetite for other, less healthy ingredients in the meal. This is also a great strategy if you struggle with getting more plants into your diet.
  • Eat more slowly, taking in the flavors of every bite. This gives your brain and your stomach enough time to realize that you are getting full. Giving your body time to send the appropriate cues can help you stop eating sooner, and that can help you eat fewer calories and less fat.
  • Drink some water before you sit down to eat. For example, before having dinner, drink a glass of water about 30 minutes in advance of eating. That way, your belly can fill up with the liquid, and you will end up eating less food as a result because you will end up feeling full sooner.
  • Set aside 1/3 of what’s on your plate so that you can eat it later on if you feel hungry. That helps you limit what you eat in the moment, and also gives you something healthy to eat later so you don’t end up snacking on something unhealthy.

Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets Review: Our Conclusion

We hope that this Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets review has been helpful in shedding some light on whether or not this product is right for you.
If portion size control is an issue you struggle with in your diet, then the Flavor Magic Portion Control Sheets may be a perfect choice for you. Flavor Magic retails for approximately $30 for 60 sheets online from their official website at