Drop a size by eating more lettuce, a food that is high in nutrients and even lower in calories – the greener the better.
One of the best ways to drop a size and lose weight is to eat the right foods. Most people feel that it is all about the calories, and while this might be true, there are some foods that are better at helping you drop a size compared to others. Here are some of the best foods that you can choose in order to lose weight as quickly as possible.
1. Broccoli—this is a good source of calcium and fiber. The fiber is going to work to help you feel fuller for longer so you are going to take in fewer calories during the day. In addition to helping out with your bones, calcium is a good nutrient to take in to help keep your metabolism going strong.
2. Cabbage—this one is full of a lot of antioxidants, like vitamin C, which has been shown to speed up your digestion while also helping keep your immune system in good working order. Add them into some of your favorite recipes for an added bonus.
3. Grapefruit—this is a food that a lot of people will miss out on because they might not like the taste or they did not know it was so amazing. There are a lot of great nutrients in grapefruit such as fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid so that you can lose weight while keeping your heart working properly.
4. Lettuce—this can really pack on a punch considering it is just a few calories for each pound and it will have a lot of the manganese, folic acid, and B vitamins you need in order to keep your blood sugars in check. When the blood sugars are working properly, it is easier to stay full and not binge. Make a salad today and see how delicious it can be.
5. Radish—these are full of nutrients, such as sulfur, antioxidants, folic acid, and potassium that your body needs in order to help digestion. You can easily add these into your salads and other meals to get the benefits.
Berries—there is nothing that tastes better on a hot summer’s day than some fresh and cool berries. These have the added benefit of being able to help you drop a size through speeding up the metabolism and offering you some great antioxidants. Plus, they can help with your sweet tooth so you are less likely to indulge in something unhealthy later on.
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