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It is true that for losing weight you must eat fewer calories. However, counting calories effectively has always been tricky. We are all aware of the fact that if we eat extra food, it gets stored as either muscle or fat. However, in most cases, it is stored in the form of fat. For this reason, it is important to count calories with care in your pursuit to lose weight effectively. When you know the calorie content of food items, you are able to stay away from high-calorie foods and include only lower-calorie ingredients, allowing you to lose weight as well as cater to your nutritional needs.

In reality, the calories in any food offer a measure of the energy content of that food. We all require different quantities of calories depending on the size of our bodies. Moreover, our daily activities or lifestyle suggests how many calories would be needed to function properly. Naturally, a person who is larger will require more calories than an average-sized individual.

For this reason, it is important to consult a nutritionist who will analyze and evaluate your body type and your lifestyle to suggest the right quantity of calories to include in your diet. The only way to stick to counting calories effectively is to follow that diet plan as suggested by your nutritionist. When you get to know the exact amount of calories you need to eat during a day, you can avoid eating anything that is beyond your calorie count. Your customized diet plan will have the right numbers of calories from carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and protein to ensure you don’t go over the required levels.

You can also use BMI calculators and relevant information on how many calories different food sources provide to keep successful track of calories you are consuming daily. Jot down everything you eat and maintain a journal of your meals. The initial days can be challenging as you may have to look up the calories each food provides.

However, with the passage of time, you will get to know the calorie count of basic food sources, and it will be easier to keep track of what you are eating to complement your weight loss plan. Don’t be discouraged if you find your calorie count to be too high initially. That’s the first step of getting to know what needs to be done. Gradually, counting calories effectively will pay off as your calorie intake will be reduced to a level that suits you best.