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Adipex is another name for the generic medication phentermine 37.5, which is a weight loss drug that is often prescribed in order to help people to overcome obesity through the development of healthy eating habits and regular exercise routines. It works as an appetite suppressant as well as an energy booster that assists in eliminating the unpleasantness often associated with diet such as cravings, hunger pangs, and fatigue.

The drug is made up of an odorless white crystalline, hygroscopic powder called phentermine hydrochloride. This chemical is soluble in water and some alcohols. This being said, when taking Adipex is combined with alcohol use, the function of the drug can be altered to the point where some of the undesirable side effects of the drug can worsen, or a drug interaction can result.

Even when taking Adipex as per the instructions of the prescribing doctor, the following types of side effects can occur. The more serious ones include the following:

  • Chest pain
  • Swelling anywhere in the body, especially in the extremities such as the feet and ankles
  • Fainting or lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or uneven heartbeat
  • Odd behaviors or thoughts
  • Restlessness or confusion
  • Increase in blood pressure (symptoms of which can include difficulty focusing, severe headache, chest pain, blurry vision, numbness, or seizure).

Should any of these side effects occur, stop the use of the drug right away and contact the doctor immediately. Should they persist beyond a very short time, contact emergency medical services for assistance. It should be noted that these reactions are rare.

Less serious side effects which occur more commonly include the following:

  • Anxiety or feelings of nervousness
  • Mild headache
  • Jitters or tremors
  • Light dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Itchiness

Report any of these side effects to your doctor should they occur, especially if they become bothersome.

Any of the aforementioned Adipex side effects will only worsen with alcohol use, and, on occasion, side effects that were not experience before (such as dizziness, for example) can be brought about by combining Adipex and alcohol use. Though your doctor and/or pharmacist should warn you that it is not recommended that you drink alcohol while taking Adipex, it is wise that you avoid the combination even if the warning was not provided to you.