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You may have heard that women have a harder time losing weight than their male counterparts. Though this is not always the case, there could be something to this. If you are dieting along side your spouse, you may be discouraged if they seem to be doing so much better than you are, but you are both doing the same things. Don’t let that stop you. You may take longer to lose, or have to go about things in a different way, but that does not mean you can not get the results that you need.

Weight loss for women is often more difficult than it is for men because of differences in our bodies.

Weight loss for women is often more difficult than it is for men because of differences in our bodies.

Women gain weight for different reasons than men in many cases. For example, you will never meet a man who has given birth and is having a hard time getting those extra pounds to come off after having a baby. There are also numerous differences in our bodies, our hormone levels and muscle mass that are related to how quickly our bodies burn through body fat. Of course we also have many common barriers to weight loss including emotional eating, lack of motivation, genetics and a sedentary lifestyle.
Women should take some time figuring out why they are overeating if this has been the cause of weight gain. In the case of emotional eating, they are dealing with something, or they can not get past an event in their life. Instead of feeling the emotions associated with the problem, they eat to feel better. This can be one of the hardest things to overcome when it comes to dieting, and is something every woman should consider before starting a diet plan. If those emotions can be dealt with and removed, dieting is going to be so much easier.
Women may also be dealing with a decreasing metabolism as they get older. Men certainly deal with this as well, but for a woman, it can be hormonally triggered. It could also be a thyroid problem, or it could be some other health ailment that stems from the reproductive system. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can make it hard for women to lose weight, and is a condition that men do not have.
Another reason men lose weight easier than women is due to muscle mass. Men naturally have more muscle than women and can put muscle on faster. The amount of muscle your body has is directly related to how quickly and efficiently your body burns fat. Since most women have less muscle than men, it makes sense that women would burn body fat at a slower rate. Also, many women do not wish to build muscle and will avoid exercises that do so. If losing weight is your goal, make sure to include some weight lifting exercises in your fitness program. Weight lifting exercises can be done with less weight and more repetitions so that muscle is toned instead of being bulked up.
If you are a woman, and you are having a hard time getting any weight to come off, see your doctor for a check up and physical. Discuss your health honestly and ask them to do the tests needed to make sure there is not more to the problem than just excess weight. If there is a medical condition, it can be cleared up or dealt with through medication or other means. Once that is done, weight loss for women may be a whole lot easier. You won’t have to be envious of your smaller spouse because you are getting smaller too.