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Appetite Suppressant Drugs Used to Treat Obesity

Appetite Suppressant Drugs Used to Treat Obesity

Drugs used to treat obesity are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. At the same time, this is because a growing number of Americans suffer from the condition. This has been labeled as a disease in and of itself. It is no longer just a symptom of other...
What the Location of Fat on Your Body Tells You

What the Location of Fat on Your Body Tells You

The location of fat on your body may seem frustrating to you at times, but it could be trying to tell you something. In most cases, the added weight isn’t really anything more than a part of you that you just don’t like very much. However, sometimes fat stored on the...
Key Steps to Weight Loss for Plus Sized Women

Key Steps to Weight Loss for Plus Sized Women

When you’re a plus sized woman, not all the steps to weight loss that are recommended to your slimmer counterparts are practical or realistic for your own strategy. This can be very difficult on your motivation, your self-image and your confidence but please take...
How Birth Control Pills Affect Weight

How Birth Control Pills Affect Weight

Apparently, there has never been enough convincing evidence to show that birth control pills have an effect on weight. Recently conducted research has found little proof of weight gain among users of progestin-only pills. Likewise, a similar investigation from 2008...