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Do Genetics Affect How Much You Weigh

Your parents do have some impact on how much you weight as an adult.

There is an ongoing debate about whether or not your genes affect your body type. There are quite a few characteristics you can attain depending upon your genetics. This is also a popular reason given by obese people for their excessive weight. In fact, many people claim that their body type is a result of their genetics. So, is this really true? Do genetics affect how much you weigh?
Genetics and Body Type
There are many speculations about your body type being linked to your genetics. The truth is that your genetics do affect the way your body looks. If your father and mother were overweight, you are more likely to be overweight as well. If they have a particular body type, you are more likely to develop the same body type as them. This is quite natural. However, there are exceptions to this. In most cases in which parents have a weight problem, their children won’t be obese if they don’t inherit the weight problem.
Weight at Birth
The genetics of a certain individual are not the only cause of obesity. Obesity is significantly linked to the weight of the child at birth. The weight of the child is directly linked to the environment of the fetus prior to birth. If a child is born heavy, there is a good chance that he or she will develop obesity in later years. Children who are born underweight are likely to remain so throughout their lives. While there is no doubt about the fact that genetics affect how much you weigh, your weight at birth is a significant factor as well.
Weight Loss for Genetically Overweight Individuals
Most things that humans attain genetically are not changeable, or not readily so. This includes one’s behavior. However, the body type is something that can be altered, though a genetically obese individual will have to work twice as hard to slim down. The same goes for an underweight individual trying to gain weight. However, there is no study to suggest that people who are genetically obese or underweight cannot alter their body type. The best part is that it doesn’t require any surgery or costly medicines to alter your body type. All you need to do is exercise regularly and you will lose weight, achieving the look you have always wanted.
The abovementioned points should clear up any confusion you have about how genetics affect how much you weigh.