Popular Exercises That Arent Worth DoingThere are a lot of popular exercises out there, but not all exercises are created equal, and not all exercises live up to all of the hype that surrounds them. Check out the exercises below that aren’t worth your time, and consider doing more effective workouts instead in order to achieve the weight loss and fitness results that you’re after.
V-Ups for Your Core
One of the exercises that aren’t worth doing is the V-Up. This is usually promoted as a fantastic core exercise, but it’s actually a waste of your time, and it could also be harmful to your body. Like so many other variations of the standard sit-up or crunch, the V-Up will force your spine through what’s known as repetitive flexion, as well as extension, all while sustaining compression that could actually result in herniated discs. So rather than creating movement, stick with any abdominal workout that will force your body to resist movement, such as an ab wheel rollout.
Superman Pose
You may have seen people doing Superman Pose at the gym, as well as in a yoga class, but this is yet another one of the many exercises that aren’t worth doing. Even though its goal is to develop all of your back muscles, there’s only a small range of motion. You also can’t progress to a heavier load, so it really is a useless exercise in the long run. Plus, if it isn’t performed properly, it could actually make lower back pain worse. What you can do instead is perform Reverse Hyperextension with the appropriate gym equipment for better results.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers are used to build ab strength and get a good cardio workout in for the day, but they may actually do you harm. This exercise will put a lot of stress on your shoulder joints and your wrists, particularly as you begin to feel tired, and it can even promote poor posture. If you want to get the same benefits without the harm, start doing single leg planks on your forearms instead.
Whether you prefer to hit the gym or work out at home, choosing the right exercises and avoiding those that waste your time is the key to getting great results. In addition to avoiding exercises that aren’t worth doing, consider also adding a product like Phentramin-D to your fitness routine to help you burn more fat and slim down more easily.