Adding weight to your exercises can make 10-minute workouts even more effective. Try it for squats and lunges.
Building muscle endurance and ensuring cardiovascular health while also adding lean muscle mass is something everybody aspires to achieve. Circuit training allows you to have a mix of strength training, cardiovascular training and also enjoying fat burning all the while. The fast and the furious exercises all work in a time efficient manner to positively shape your body.
Time is a crucial factor here as not many people have the time to perform extensive workouts. To makes things easier for you, here’s a look at a few effective 10-minute workouts. Yes, they do sound too good to be true but you can lose weight and get into shape by working out 10 minutes a day. Without further ado, let’s look at the most effective 10-minute workouts:
Squat Jumps
Stand with your feet and shoulders apart and bring down your thighs until they are parallel to the floor. Ensure an upright position and jump out of the position explosively and straighten your legs. Land again in a squatting position and repeat.
Get into a pushup position with your hands in line with your shoulders. Lower your body by bending your elbows to ensure a strong core and return to the starting position once your chest has touched the ground.
Lateral Lunge with Torso Twist
Place your feet slightly wider apart than your shoulder’s width, chest up, cross your arms and rest your hands on your shoulders. Start bending your right knee and at the same time, rotate your torso towards the right leg that is lunging out. Your chest should be upwards and hips in a forward position throughout the exercise. Repeat the same technique on the left side.
Mountain Climbing
Get into the pushup position, keep your legs straight, and feet apart. Straighten your spine and pull in your stomach. Bring your right foot towards the left shoulder, take the leg back to its original position and bring in your left foot towards the right shoulder. Repeat.
Back Lunge
Place your feet further from hip width. Step back with your left foot, bend your knees, bring yourself down in a way that both thighs are parallel and both legs are creating a 90o angle. Don’t lean. Push off from the toe of the foot at the back, lift the back leg and bring it swinging forward to the starting posture. Repeat with right leg.
So, these are the most effective 10-minute workouts you can try for losing weight.
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