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20 zero equipment exercisesWith the zero equipment exercises below, you can create your own fun and effective workout routine that you’ll actually look forward to, and you won’t have to spend any money either!
1. Jumping Jacks: A simple workout that you’ve been doing since you were a kid, jumping jacks will help get your heart rate up in no time, and you’re sure to feel a burn in your lower body.
2. Burpees: The burpee is tough, but it is effective. Do as many of these as you can to work your entire body while also getting in a good dose of cardio.
3. Planks: Standard plank on your hands, side plank, and forearm plank are all effective workouts that don’t require the use of any weights because your own body’s weight is what you are holding up. See how long you can hold the position without losing proper form.
4. Squats: Want to get a great butt and a strong lower body? Then incorporate more squats into your workout routine. So simple yet so effective!
5. Lunges: Also great for the butt and lower body is the lunge. There are a variety of lunges that you can perform, such as forward and backward lunges, as well as side lunges, so that you can work the various muscles in your legs effectively.
6. Pushups: Pushups are a fantastic exercise because you have to maintain proper form, working your lower body all the way to your upper body. Vary the distance that you keep your hands in order to work on different muscles groups in the chest and arms.
7. Crunches: Standard crunches will work your upper and middle abs, but drawing the knees in will start to work the lower abs. And lifting side to side will hit those obliques.
8. Plyometric Squats: Standard squats are great, but to build your endurance, do plyometric squats. Start with your legs together and your knees slightly bent with your hands on your thighs. Jump into a wide squat, hold for a second, and jump back to the start. Repeat.
9. Superman: The Superman is a great exercise to work your entire back without any equipment. Lie on your stomach with your legs extended straight behind you and your arms extended forward. Lift your legs, your chest, and arms at the same time, hold, and then release and repeat.
10. Handstand: Mastering a handstand is definitely tough but it’s worth the effort, as you will be amazed by how much strength you need in your upper body and your core to hold yourself up in a straight line.
11. Headstand: Not ready to tackle the handstand just yet? Headstands, like those that yogis typically do, are also great workouts that will test your ability to hold the right muscles in place for proper alignment and balance.
12. Boat Pose: The yoga pose known as boat pose is a great way to build up the strength of your core. You could start by doing it with your knees bent and then work your way towards keeping the legs straight.
13. Mountain Climbers: This tough exercise has you starting in plank pose and bringing one knee at a time to the elbow. So you would start by lifting your right foot off the floor, bringing the right knee to the right elbow, and bringing your right foot back again before repeating on the left side.
14. Chair Pose: Another great yoga pose to incorporate into your workout routine is chair pose. See how long you can hold it, and add in a twist to mix things up.
15. Sumo Squat: The sumo squat is a deep squat that really targets the lower body. Take it to the next level by bringing your elbow to the knee on the same side and working on your core and balance.
16. Crow Pose: Yoga is filled with challenging poses that test your strength, and crow pose is one of them. This arm balance is a great way to build the power in your arms, and it looks really cool too!
17. Seated Russian Twist: Once you’ve nailed down boat pose, take it to the next level by bringing your hands together in front of you and twisting to one side, holding, and twisting to the other.
18. Warrior 3 Pose: Warrior 3 pose in yoga is a great balancing pose that has your torso horizontal to the ground, your gaze towards the floor, your arms extended out in front of you, and your leg extended straight back behind you. See how long you can hold it before feeling your butt muscles burning.
19. Kick Backs: Target your glutes by getting on all fours and bending one foot in towards your butt. Then lift the heel towards the ceiling before bringing the knee back down and repeating.
20. Kickboxing Moves: Go ahead and kick and punch the air. You can still feel the burn and work on various muscle groups while getting your heart rate up, even if you aren’t using a punching bag.