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How to Begin Juicing for Weight Loss

How to Begin Juicing for Weight Loss

Juicing is a booming trend in the weight loss industry today. Many people, including some celebs, are juicing for weight loss. Though it seems confusing, as you may wonder how juicing can assist anyone in weight loss, with the right information, it is definitely...
Should You Be Following Celebrity Diet Trends?

Should You Be Following Celebrity Diet Trends?

Looking to lose weight and thinking to adopt celebrity diet trends? Below we highlight some popular celebrity diet trends along with the pros and cons of each to help you decide whether you should follow them or not: Dukan Diet The Dukan Diet is also referred to as...
How to Eat to Boost Weight Loss Hormones

How to Eat to Boost Weight Loss Hormones

When it comes to dropping pounds, it is highly desirable to boost weight loss hormones. Extra belly fat is an indicator of one or more of the following hormonal imbalances: low testosterone, high estrogen, low DHEA, high insulin, or high cortisol. It is possible to...