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Popular Weight Loss Myths shatteredIf you’re doing your research to improve your health and lose excess weight then you might want to learn about some popular weight loss myths, too. Knowing about these myths can help you to avoid falling for them as you educate yourself about what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
While some popular weight loss myths are easy to spot, the truly problematic ones are the most believable. Some of them have a shred of misinterpreted science to back them up, or would seem to be accurate based on common sense. Unfortunately, in the world of weight loss and dieting, things aren’t always as they seem.
Use the following list of popular weight loss myths to help you to better prepare yourself for healthy and effective dieting.
· Myth – Fat in food makes you fat. While it’s true that dietary fat is high in calories and eating too much of it can contribute to weight gain, that can be said about protein and carbs, too. For decades, fat has been seen as worse for weight than just about anything else. The truth is that fat from foods isn’t necessarily turned into fat on your body. Your body uses those calories in the same way that it uses calories from other sources.
Moreover, the nutrients that often come with fats, when eaten in appropriate amounts, can actually help you to lose weight more quickly. Cutting them from your diet can make fat loss more challenging.
· Myth – Carbs in food make you fat. As more people learned that fat isn’t necessarily a weight loss villain, many people looked for a new culprit. It was at that time that the spotlight fell on carbohydrates. Just like with fats, if the wrong kinds are consumed or if you eat too many of them, they will indeed contribute to weight gain. However, when you choose healthy carbs in the right amounts, you can actually help yourself to lose weight. Many carb-containing foods are high in B vitamins, fiber and other weight loss promoting nutrients.
· Myth – Gluten-free foods are healthier and better for weight loss. Despite the bad reputation it has gained over the last few years, most of us are more than able to tolerate gluten without a single health problem.
There are people – such as those with celiac disease – who have a sensitivity to it and who suffer symptoms when they eat it. However, most people do not have that condition and cutting gluten out of their diets places them at risk of certain deficiencies, such as of B vitamins, that can place them at risk of other conditions and of weight gain if they don’t replace those nutrients appropriately. Gluten-free foods are not necessarily healthier for us. They can be junk food just as easily as gluten-filled foods.
If you’re looking for a weight loss advantage, consider using Phentramin-d along with your healthy diet instead of falling victim to these myths.