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Never Eat Dessert While HungryDo you tend to leave some room for dessert by not filling yourself up when you have dinner? Well, it turns out that you should never eat dessert when you are still hungry. Wondering why? Keep reading to learn all about it.

You’re More Likely to Eat Too Much

When you are hungry, you want to eat more in order to satisfy yourself, and that could make it a lot harder to control your portions. Without control over your portions, it becomes a lot easier to eat too many calories and consume too much fat that can get in the way of your weight loss efforts. For this reason, you should never eat dessert when you are still hungry. Instead, fill yourself up on a healthy meal that is packed with nutritious foods, but leave a bit of room for a small sweet treat.

You’re More Likely to Eat the Wrong Types of Dessert

Not all desserts are created equal. Some of them are worse for your health and weight than others. When you are still hungry, though, you will be more likely to choose the dessert that is sweeter and more fattening. For example, you might reach for the big slice of cake rather than the small plate of fruit, and doing so can cause you to consume far too many calories when you are actually trying to cut back. If you are not as hungry, on the other hand, you might be more likely to choose a dessert that is better for you.

You Can Control Blood Sugar Spikes

Another reason why you should never eat dessert when you are still hungry, and why you should avoid dessert when your stomach is empty, is because it could cause a sharp increase in your blood sugar level. According to Quick and Dirty Tips, having some dessert after you have enjoyed a healthy meal can help to prevent this spike in your blood sugar. In fact, a study found that if you consume protein prior to eating something sweet, the impact on blood sugar is reduced.
There you have it: a few reasons why you should never eat dessert when you are still very hungry. Making some simple changes to your approach to dessert can make a big difference in your ability to lose weight and get in shape, so stay focused and make your desserts as small and as healthy as possible.