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Benefits of Practicing Yoga Every DayHave you thought about trying yoga, but you aren’t sure if you’ll fit in, if it will really make a difference in your life, or if it might just be a little too weird? Let go of all of those fears, because there are so many benefits of practicing yoga every day that anyone can enjoy with a consistent practice. A few of them are listed below.

1. Improved Balance

Yes, those yoga poses will improve your balance. Even if you have terrible balance when you first start practicing, over time and with dedicated effort, you will certainly improve. It’s just like anything else: practice makes perfect. So, if you struggle to balance on one foot to put your socks on or you just want to keep your balance strong as you get older so you can prevent injuries, definitely consider that this is one of the biggest benefits of practicing yoga.

2. You’ll Get Stronger

Plank pose, chaturanga, all of those arm balances and warrior poses, and even something as basic as downward facing dog can dramatically improve your strength. The longer you practice, the stronger you will become, making strength yet another one of the top benefits of practicing yoga daily. You might be surprised by just how much you can boost muscular strength by using your own body weight while on your mat.

3. Improved Flexibility

No conversation about the benefits of practicing yoga would be complete without mentioning that, yes, you will also become increasingly more flexible. You might never be able to get your foot behind your head like some yogis, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re opening up the body to improve mobility and help reduce the risk of injuries.

4. It Relieves Stress

Don’t knock it ‘til you try it: yoga does indeed help relieve stress. When you’re feeling frazzled, 30-60 minutes of sweating on your mat and moving through a series of poses while focusing on your breath and clearing your mind can be just what you need to feel grounded and centered again.

5. You Feel Calmer in Your Daily Life

Yoga teaches you to flow with equanimity through difficult postures, and it also tells you to back off when you feel as though you are pushing your body too far. You learn a lot on your mat, and if you are wise, you’ll take those lessons off of the mat and into the rest of your life. You might, for example, learn how to breathe through a stressful situation so you can remain calmer, or you might incorporate a meditation practice into your daily life as well.
So what are you waiting for? With so many yoga DVDs, online classes, and studios to choose from, you can find the teacher and the style of yoga that you will love!